9 Reasons To Add Castor Oil to Your Prepping List

  • You may not have heard about castor oil, but our ancestors certainly relied on its versatility to treat everything from digestion issues to arthritis to infections and immunity problems. It can also be used as a lubricator and as a way to fight yard pests. It’s both a natural solution for health and an item you’ll want in your stockpile when prepping. Take a look at how valuable it is:

    1. Skin Care

    It’s used to ease the pain of severely dried and cracked skin and lips. In a survival situation, this is a condition that can quickly lead to gangrene.

    It has omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, both of which are often used to promote healthy hair, skin, and nail growth. Some claim that it has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that can help get rid dandruff and possibly athlete’s foot.

    It has been shown to have analgesic properties, so it’s good to treat sunburn, rashes, bug bites and other minor skin conditions. It’ also used to treat ringworm. Just rub it directly on the skin.

    Finally, the anti-inflammatory properties are great for treating cystic acne.

    2. Digestive Issues and Parasites

    It helps your bowels move. Be careful that you don’t use too much. You don’t want to become dehydrated, so start with a tablespoon and give it a few hours. Take more if needed.

    If you want to just “take your medicine” and get it over with, just swallow it straight. If not, you can mix it with juice or a food.

    Castor oil is also a common home remedy for intestinal parasites.

    3. Arthritis, Muscle, and Joint Pain

    Some say to make a poultice with other herbs and rub it into aching joints for relief.

    Video first seen on Ancient Current.

    4. Gets Rid of Corns, Moles, and Warts

    The fatty acids in the oil are purported to dissolve these conditions. For corns, simply dip a cotton ball in castor oil and tape it over the blemish. Change it out once a day, but in a week, the corn will be gone. For moles and warts, add a bit of baking soda to the cotton ball, too. It may take a couple of weeks for this method to work. You can also try just dabbing it on regularly.

    5. Get Rid of Yard Pests

    If you mix 1/2 cup of castor oil with a couple of gallons of water and sprinkle it around your garden or yard. It won’t kill them, but it definitely encourages them to find a better place to live.

    The upside to this is that ferns and other greenery respond well to castor oil. It helps them look greener and lusher.

    6. Hemorrhoids

    Because of the anti-inflammatory properties, castor oil is often used to treat external hemorrhoids. Dip a cotton ball in the oil and apply it over your hemorrhoids. Leave it on for 15 or 20 minutes a few times a day if possible. If not, just applying daily will provide relief.

    8. Boosts Immunity

    The odd part about this, though, is that it does it when you apply it topically. Just rub it on your skin and, according to the study, your white blood cells may increase by as much as 20 percent.

    9. Treat Infected Cuts or Rashes

    Just dab it on with a cotton swab or dribble it directly onto the wound a few times daily until the infection heals. There are also many herbs that you can add.

    Have you turned to castor oil to improve your health? In what other ways can it be used?

    Article Source: Survivopedia


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