11 Food Storage Tips To Help Lengthen The Shelf Life of The Stockpile

  • The type of food you store and the method that you use to do so could mean the difference between a ready-to-eat food supply and one that is completely useless when SHTF. Unexpected factors like temperature, storage containers and pests should all be considered when organizing your stockpile.

    Tip 1: Focus on high-carb foods instead of high-fat

    Why? Because fats go rancid pretty quickly while carbs don’t. Much better to focus on foods that are low fat and high in carbs, meaning they can give you a good energy boost post-disaster.

    Now, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t store fatty foods. Fats are an important macronutrient in your diet and, if stored under the right conditions, things like coconut oil will last up to two whole years.

    Tip 2: Temperature variations are just as bad

    We all know shelf life decreases with temperature but did you know temperature variations are just as bad? You may want to consider a well-ventilated basement. As for your car, what you can do is store your food (and you’re your meds) into a wide-mouth thermos.

    Tip 3: Store the ingredients as opposed to the cooked foods

    First, ingredients have a longer shelf life. Second, you get to decide how much salt or sugar to add later on.

    Tip 4: Use a desiccant when storing seeds

    When storing seeds for your survival garden, consider adding a desiccant such as silica gel to keep moisture away.

    Tip 5: Tin foil can increase shelf life

    Wrap veggies like broccoli or celery in it before storing.

    Tip 6: Use pantyhose to increase the shelf life of onions

    Besides, pantyhose have numerous alternative uses.

    Tip 7: Ventilate your basement…

    IF you have windows, a fan might be enough but if you don’t, you’ll have to install an exhaust fan and vent.

    Tip 8: Put all dry food in food-grade storage containers

    If you leave it in sacks, moisture or rodents will compete over it.

    Tip 9: Freeze your oil

    IF you have room in your freezer, one way of making it last past its shelf life if to freeze it.

    Tip 10: Beware of shelf life after you open something

    After you open something, the shelf life decreases dramatically after the packaging has been open.

    Tip 11: Don’t forget about rodents

    Other protection layers must be employed, such as putting your Mylar bags inside metal buckets.

    Are there other food storage tips we should add to the list?

    Article Source: Tactical Intelligence

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