10 Ways a Prepper Can Utilize Magnets

  • Magnets are one of the most underestimated and underused items commonly found in homes. We typically think of them as a way to hold that family photo or our child's amazing test up on the fridge for everyone to see. In reality, magnets can help us in many other ways besides as a refrigerator adornment.

    If you're a prepper or homeowner, these magnet uses will save you time, energy and money. In today's world, it's more natural for us to rely on technology than to try to find an alternative way to fix or create something with simple materials. It's amazing what a few inexpensive and small magnets can accomplish. So, you should dig that collection of magnets out of your junk drawer and get started!

    Continue on to view innovative and creative ways to utilize magnets! Some them could help to save your life!

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