Woodworking Tips & Tricks To Make Your Projects Simpler.

  • Just as we promised here are some of the best videos that we found with hacks that you can use often. At least I use them often.

    This first one is one of my favorites because it deals with a lot of woodworking hacks and as DIY'ers woodworking is a large part of our craft! He discusses everything from how to remove glue from wood to how to sand curved object when you don't have the right tools. There are so much more that he delves into but they are all super quick and easy to remember!


    This second video is also one that I love because it deals with having to fix mistakes when woodworking. Now, I will neither confirm nor deny that this one was sent to me after a friend witnessed a near mental breakdown after making the same mistake twice on the same project but either way…these tips work!


    Let us know what you think.

    Source: Dieter Schneider

    Source: The Wood Whisperer


