Why Everyone Needs The Ghillie Camping Kettle

  • When I first laid eyes upon this contraption I wondered about its practicality. It seems to be rather large and the thought of having to lug this around with the rest of the bug out gear or find  place for it among the other things I have stockpiled made me sigh a bit but the fact that it works as well as it does pretty much overshadow any concerns that I initially had.  Upon first look at the Ghillie Camping Kettle, you might find yourself concerned with its practicality.

    The kettle itself is hollow and its designed in such a way that the water that it contains is inside the walls and it's structured so you can build the fire inside the kettle and heat the water from the inside out. This technique actually speeds up the process of boiling water and cuts down on your frustration.

    Now, you may be scratching your heads trying to picture it so we have included a video so you can check it out yourself so keep reading and see exactly why this product will be a huge benefit to your bug out or bug in list of supplies. 

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