Trump Lifting Military Gear Ban For Local Officers

  • What some are calling a controversial move by the Trump administration others are calling a life-saving decision for the men and women who serve as police officers protecting the streets of our nation.

    In 2015 then President Barack Obama issued an executive order that halted the transfer of surplus gear from our nations' military to any police force.  This included items such as armored vehicles, grenade launchers, high-caliber weapons and camouflage uniforms. This order came directly following the controversy over the “militarization” of the police response to unrest in Ferguson, Missouri.

    “These guidelines were created after Ferguson to ensure that police departments had a guardian, not warrior, mentality,” said Vanita Gupta, former head of DOJ's civil rights division under Obama and who now leads the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. “Our communities are not the same as armed combatants in a war zone.”

    There are many ways that we can look at this situation. The National Fraternal Order of Police have some strong words about the prior administrations' decision and how this new change will affect our local police departments. So let's take a look at what the head of the NFOP and others had to say about this matter.

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    1. Justin Cole said:

      When you begin to realize 99% of our laws are about revenue generation and not actual public safety, you’ll begin to wake up.

    2. Joshua Horne said:

      Most armed citizens dont own weapons of war. Citizens may have the #’s but police will end up with the fire power.

    3. David Mustain said:

      There is not one cop anywhere in this country that does not violate a citizens rights every single day on the year..$#%&!@*em

    4. Douglas Oscar said:

      Justin Cole please tell me how murder laws generate revenue ? Tell me how bank robbery generates revenue. Tell me how apprehending kidnsppers generates revenue. Need more ?

    5. Joshua Horne said:

      How is an average, armed citizen gonna take out an armored personnel carrier loaded with cops armed for war.

    6. Michael Haggard said:

      Are people really this stupid?
      During the end of Obama’s first term, he had various law enforcement start receiving humvee’s, fully automatic weapons, and various other military equipment to ensure their abilities against a “growing epidemic of violence” and fear of “terrorist attacks on American soil.”

    7. Douglas Oscar said:

      And no offense Justin Cole but you’re still just a kid. One day you’ll grow up and actually appreciate the people that keep you safe while you sleep.

    8. Michael Corey said:

      We literally take an oath to kill anyone who tries to take away the rights of the people. So you’ll be fine.

    9. Aaron Schulz said:

      Marines/army> police.
      Police aren’t at war no matter what they say.

    10. Kayla Mike Busch said:

      Laws are only a guideline to prosecute and keep order, but Some laws violate the constitution. Everything depends on the officer and his/her morals.

    11. Daniel Scott said:

      Justin Cole couldn’t agree more with that last statememt more. It’s all about the money with most laws today.

    12. Justin Cole said:

      Murder laws are the 1% I didn’t account for. Those obviously don’t generate revenue, but I’m going to assume from previous replies you were not bright enough to account for that yourself.

      99% of our laws are for victimless crimes like drug possession, window tint, zoning codes, minor traffic violations, concealing a gun without a government issued slip of paper, arresting people for feeding the homeless without a permit due to restrictions, etc. need I go on?

    13. Kayla Mike Busch said:

      If we went by the constitution, officers should be able to exercise their 2nd amendment just like citizens (unorganized militia).

    14. Justin Cole said:

      Michael Corey it’s not our military that needs worries about so much as the UN, and other countries that will be called when it’s time to take them.

    15. Adam Richwine said:

      Joshua, how’s an armored personnel carrier going to find 60,000 (I’m my city) citizens hiding in houses and buildings?

    16. Douglas Oscar said:

      Justin Cole actually I think it’s you that’s naming the 1%. And perhaps if you didn’t break those laws, you wouldn’t pay the fine. Sure, some are disagreeable but perhaps you should have the laws and not the ones enforcing them.

    17. Michael Corey said:

      The United States of the seat of the UN, and we provide all of their arms and resources.

      Again, you’ll be fine.

    18. Dan Therkildsen said:

      Trump is a$#%&!@* We need to stop this liar. We do not need nor do we want to militarize our police against our own people, that’s what Russians do, not Americans.

    19. Justin Cole said:

      Douglas Oscar I’ve been an adult for some time now, but surely you have some infinite boot licking wisdom that I need taught.

    20. Justin Cole said:

      Michal Tadeusz I know many Leo’s I’ve spoke to who say they enforce laws they do not agree with. Why stop there?

    21. Douglas Oscar said:

      Justin Cole, your high school beard says otherwise. Like I said, one day you’ll grow up. And if you mean to imply that boot licking means someone that follows the law……..I guess you’re just young and confused

    22. Kayla Mike Busch said:

      It’s up to the officer to enforce any law. When the NYSAFE act passed, 50 out of 52 sheriff’s publicly stated they refuse to enforce unconstitutional laws. That is where public relations start to heal.

    23. Justin Cole said:

      HAHAHA. Maybe if you would grow a spine and perform your duty as an American to defy unjust laws, we wouldn’t have these issues. But luckily for our government there is a surplus of your kind who sticks up for them.

      “Instead of hiding from the$#%&!@*s, maybe Anne frank shouldn’t have broke the law”

    24. Justin Cole said:

      Germany should have hated the laws and not the$#%&!@*s enforcing it. You heard it here, folks.

    25. Kyle King said:

      I can get fully automatic weapons. I know dealers that have a class 3 ffl and I am well aware of tax stamps.

      You can also get fully functional tanks if you’re willing to pay the price.

      So, yes. Everything is perfectly legal.

    26. Douglas Oscar said:

      LoL. Nice try spinning it Justin Cole but this is not$#%&!@*Germany and the police aren’t SS trying to exterminate anyone.

    27. Jason James said:

      Bad move trump. I’m a trump supporter that’s a horrible move

    28. Justin Cole said:

      Douglas Oscar following a law just because it’s a law makes you more than a bootlicker. Illegality is not an argument.

    29. Douglas Oscar said:

      And you can think whatever you want Justin Cole I just want my brothers to come home after their shift is over. If you don’t want that then you’re part of the problem

    30. Michael Stone said:

      So criminals can have them, and police can have them, but law-abiding citizens should be barred?

    31. Kayla Mike Busch said:

      There’s a surplus of officers that stand with the people and the constitution that many people don’t realize.

    32. Justin Cole said:

      Douglas Oscar there was no need to spin it, because it’s exactly what you’re saying. May I direct you to

    33. Michael James Stratton said:

      I’m sure he is not getting any kick backs from this. And our Police need this why???? I’m not paying taxes so some locals can abuse their authority.

    34. Clay Benton said:

      I’m sure at some point they would have to exit said vehicle. If not they could all just ride a school bus and save money. Second unfortunately our military has been in situations where their armored vehicle proved little help to overwhelming numbers of people. Think Somalia 1993. Not to mention the likelihood of there ever being a problem is slim to none. In my little Southern town the same police that patrol by day are the same people we go to church with, footballs games, deer camp and so forth. I’m not saying our police should look like the UN rolling through town but there are many times better gear could have saved their lives and others. The movie Red Dawn is not gonna happen nation wide, not now, not ever.

    35. Michael James Stratton said:

      By the way I completely support police and I’m a big supporter of gun rights so any Trump thug wants to come down in me go ahead.

    36. Douglas Oscar said:

      Thank you Kayla Mike Busch. I’m glad there at least some shred of f decency here. Justin Cole sure doesn’t have any

    37. Kyle King said:

      You can also get humvees, mraps, other military vehicles. Grenade launchers, explosives.

      Depends on what you’re willing to pay, but yes all legal.

    38. Justin Cole said:

      It’s okay Douglas, I’ll leave you alone now because I’ve seemingly triggered you. Have a nice day.

    39. Don Payson said:

      Tell that to the ciminals with increasingly better firepower

    40. Kayla Mike Busch said:

      I hear both sides. There’s bad guys on both sides. If we stick with the constitution, both good sides win.

    41. Michael James Stratton said:

      That’s exactly what they will be used for the affair mentioned people shoot back. It’s so much easier to go after the people who can’t fight back than real criminals…. another thing that needs to be repealed is all the confiscation laws they are abused and they go outside the normal due process.

    42. Scott A Meyer said:

      Not a fan of this move, the past preformance has shown they can’t act like adults when they get this stuff, plus city Majors can act the fool and have to make them do things they should not. Never thought Trump would act as this way, still better than hillary but stupid move

    43. Brandon Scott Albro said:

      Ask that nurse in Utah what she would think about having that detective armed with military weapons

    44. Tim Wright said:

      The problem is, the cops will NOT be using the gear on the correct people….


