This Duct Tape Hammock Isn’t Hard To Make And Will Be Great For Having Outdoors In Any Weather!

  • When you get to go into your backyard and relax in the shine while in a hammock, it is a great feeling, this is why there is nothing worse than your hammock being destroyed by wind or rain. The solution is this fantastic duct tape hammock. You will be amazed by the results!

    Let's Get Started!

    The Supplies You Need To Gather Are:

     Sturdy bamboo stake

    Couple rolls of duct tape.

    The Step By Step Directions To Follow:

    1. Cut  garden stake into two 3′ (91.5 cm) lengths. Make marks approximately 1.88″ (4.7 cm) apart, along  length of each.  Line up  two stakes 6′ (1.8 m) apart on a nonstick work surface, tape them in place.
    You can use any rigid, strong beam that tape adheres to well, such as a dowel or aluminum rod.

    2. Starting at  outer edge of one of  stakes, lay down one long length of duct tape, attaching  to  stake at either end. Leave  space  width of one piece of duct tape, lay down another long length of tape the same length as, and parallel to, the first one. Repeat all the way across to the other end.
    3. Apply shorter pieces of tape across  long pieces, forming a checkered pattern. Use  rotary cutter to trim away  excess tape along  long sides. Leave about 2″ of tape overhanging  stakes.

    4. Lift  stakes, wrap overhanging tape around each.
    5. Flip it over. This step is tricky and best done with a partner.

    Working with a partner: Each person should hold one of  stakes at both ends. Lift stakes, pry hammock away from  table. Keep  hammock taut enough that it doesn’t fold and stick to itself. Flip  hammock onto its back, lay  flat.

    Working solo: Hold onto both stakes, lift  hammock to pry it from table.

    Raise one stake high above  other. Make sure  stakes remain parallel to prevent  tape from sticking to itself

    Bring  higher stick across  lower one. Drop  lower stick, switch hands. Continue bringing  higher stick across  lower one. The sticky side of  tape should now be facing upward.  Pull  lower stick in  opposite direction,  lower  hammock back onto  work surface.

    6. Tape opposite side. Apply fresh tape to  sticky side of  hammock.  You will not be able to pull two pieces of duct tape apart without damaging  hammock.

    Start with  shorter pieces. Unroll  length of duct tape wide enough to span  width of the hammock. Hold  tape at both ends.  Hover  tape over  strip to make sure it’s aligned, lower it.

    The Additional Directions To Follow:

    Then make sure you apply your long pieces of duct tape. You should unroll about twelve inches at one of your ends. Then make sure to press your tape into place as you work going to the opposite end of the hammock. Keep unrolling and putting twelve-inch pieces of your tape until you get to the end. When this is finished, the mesh is done.

    Then put a three-foot long piece of your duct tape on the area you are working in, making sure the sticky side is facing upward. Take the second piece of your duct tape and place it on top of the first piece of your tape, with the sticky side facing downward. Make sure these are smooth and bonded together. Then cut these pieces in half going lengthwise. Finally, repeat this until you have fourteen three foot pieces or straps.

    Take each piece and loop it around your stake. Then fold your end back towards the piece of tape, making sure to overlap the tape by two inches. Make sure to use some outdoor grade duct tape at the end of your strips.

    Then, take an eight-inch length piece of your outdoor duct table and cut it in half going lengthwise. Then pull each of your hammock pieces to the center and attach them with some outdoor duct tape. Then repeat the process for the other end.  Male sure you straighten out and stack each strap.

    Then fold this stack and make a loop and then take some outdoor duct tape to hold the loop together. Cut off any extra long tails you might have, make sure to leave approximately twelve inches of your straps going past your binding.

    Then, make sure to fold your two-inch strap ends back against your loop. Use outdoor tape to place around this fold to make sure it stays in place. When your hammock has been utilized for a while, your straps will straighten out on their own.


    This duct tape hammock is so incredible, and you'll want to use it as often as you can! Have you made this duct tape hammock before?

    Let Us Know How It Turned Out!

    To learn more about making your duct tape hammock, you can visit:




    1. Chris Horner said:

      probably not as warm as my eno hammock 😉 I finally got some quickstraps for it, now all I need is a tarp.


