These Home Remedies For Ringworm Will Help Get Rid Of It In No Time!

  • If you are looking for a natural way to heal ringworm, then these fantastic home remedies are just what you need!

    When our kids go to school, or we go to work, we are sharing close places with many different people. This means that throughout the day we, unfortunately, come into contact with many germs. This increases our chances of getting illnesses like a cold or the flu. Sometimes we may even get fungal infections such as ringworm.

    If you have ever had ringworm before then you know how itchy and irritating it can be on your skin. Instead of rushing to the doctor to get some antibiotics that may have unwanted side effects, you can clear up ringworm naturally with some amazing home remedies. These treatments are effective, safe and you may already have everything you need already in your house. Once you try these home remedies, ringworm won't stand a chance!

    To find out some incredible home remedies you can use for healing ringworm, please head on over to the next page. 

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    1. Das Noe said:

      If your brave; bleach in a water bottle works quickly. Hold it over the infection til blood comes through. Leaves a scar but works.

    2. Melanie Manson said:

      I have tea tree oil and lavender oil in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom if you go looking for it

    3. David Johnson said:

      Real turpentine! No substitutes! Works on people and cattle. Dob it on without rubbing and let dry. One treatment is usually enough. 2 or 3 days the ringworm will be gone. Cattle will show new hair growth in a week.

    4. Michelle Fleck said:

      When the person writing this article seems to be under the impression that ringworm is a bacterial infection, I begin to get concerned. It’s caused by the same fungus that causes athletes foot. And camphor is the best thing I’ve found for it. You can make an easy salve or balm using the essential oil, or just buy Bluestar ointment in the store because it’s the exact same thing.

    5. Larry Frederick said:

      Yes, this is a fungal infection not a bacterial infection. Not sure why all the antibacterial remedies are recommended as cures.

    6. joanne said:

      a slice of potato taped to where the ring worm is and when the potato is black the worm so to speak is dead. ???? it works!

    7. Otis Arms said:

      Not on list but take the green husk of black walnut rubbed on once daily for 1 week cured mine at age 9. Old choctaw remedy.


