These Five Home Remedies Our Ancestors Used To Stay Healthy All Year Are Amazing!

  • Many of us have been trying to use natural medicines and home remedies to make us feel better. This is because cold, flu and other medicines just leave us feeling foggy and can make our symptoms worse. These five home remedies our ancestors used just might change everything. You might be surprised by how well they actually work!

    Five Home Remedies Our Ancestors Used To Stay Healthy Are:

    1. Garlic and onions
    The substances in these foods have been proven by today’s scientific studies to contain anti-viral and anti-microbial compounds, which can not only help to shorten the duration of a cold or flu, but can keep you healthy and prevent you from becoming sick.
    2. Honey and lemon
    They used honey and lemon to stop allergy symptoms of hay fever. Since you would naturally purchase honey that came from local bees, which used local flowering plants, it only makes sense that consuming a tablespoon of it would eventually provide your body with an immune reaction.
    3. Jacob’s ladder
    Our ancestors used this plant to help prevent what our forefathers would call “nervous complaints.” This has been used for everything from headaches to heart palpitations and “women’s hysteria.”Women’s hysteria was mood swings, cramps or hot flashes.
    4. Ginger
    While our ancestors realized that ginger could help with nausea, many consumed ginger to help prevent them from becoming chilled, and therefore susceptible to illness, or to prevent colic and indigestion.
    5. Lady’s slipper
    Lady’s slipper is a beautiful flowering plant related to orchids. Flowers were made into a tea that was drunk regularly to prevent worm infestation. The dried and then remoistened root was also used by several tribes to stop skin irritations and even to stop toothache pain.

    As you can see, these home remedies were used by our ancestors for many different aliments. They used garlic and onions to help get rid of a cold or flu and to help prevent them from getting sick. Honey and lemon were used as a way to build up immunity to allergies. Ginger was used as a way to avoid chills and to prevent colic and stomach issues like indigestion. Finally, lady's slipper was used to prevent worms and used to help with skin problems and a toothache. These five home remedies are natural ways that might just help keep you healthy just like they did for our ancestors.

    To find out more about these home remedies our ancestors used, you can go to:

    Off The Grid News



