The Venus Project: Sustainable Cities & Civilizations Could Be in Our Future

  • I won't lie, at first the entire thing looks and sounds like something off of a futuristic sci-fi movie just before everything goes horribly wrong. However, those who author and stand behind The Venus Project are eager to assure that their vision is above board.

    A main idea of The Venus Project is to move past politics. Meadows said politicians are rarely experts on preventing climate change or developing clean energy sources, for example. Instead, they often work to maintain the status quo and serve the interests of the wealthy and powerful.

    Meadows told Futurism: “It is not ethical people in government that we need but equal access to the necessities of life and those working toward the elimination of scarcity. We would use scientific scales of performance for measurement and allocation of resources so that human biases are left out of the equation. Within The Venus Project’s safe, energy-efficient cities, there would be interdisciplinary teams of knowledgeable people in different fields accompanied by cybernated systems that use sensors to monitor all aspects of society in order to provide real-time information supporting decision-making for the well-being of all people and the protection of the environment.”

    The Venus Project is about more than just fancy architecture and lush green landscaping, it's about social design that is laid out in a way to conserve resources and maintain a high standard of living. When I heard this I immediately thought of Aldous Huxley’s novel, Brave New World  but who am I to judge

    There is no denying its beauty but I am still skeptical of how this would all play out on a sociological/psychological level.  I just want to know if a chip is being installed in our forearm upon entry. Then again I always have my bug-out shelter in the wilderness!

    To read more go to inhabit.


    1. Scott Harder said:

      People need to ask themselves do they really see themself live in an jail made from alabaster walls, living butts-on-top-of elbows with mass humanity and share “everything” you have and own nothing? No thanks!

    2. Daryl Christensen said:

      It might be that the one percent live here, and the rest live in shanty towns. I hope not.

    3. Alex Penz said:

      I want nothing to do with human culling, agenda 21, or any other globalist idea. Its just plain wrong.

    4. Jim Burnett said:

      How about everyone 20-30? Cuts down on the breeding age,and the older ones have way more skills and lower calories consumption..if you want logic there it is.

    5. Kevin Lessenberry said:

      By what I have read this is not Agenda 21 and would raise most everybody standard of living as well as getting rid of the Billionaire class – Agenda 21 is what we have now as it is a Billionaire agenda , Read and watch instead of spreading lies !

    6. Terry Marcellini said:

      If you look back in history, nature and nature alone takes care of the footprints left by man!
      That is until man interferes with the natural progression of order when archaeologists dig up this process!

    7. Buck Fuller said:

      Great book. Amazingly at one point, I got this in the dollar store.


