The Many Uses Of Salt. It’s Not Just For Dinner Anymore

  • We are told so often how bad salt is for us. It's all over the news, in magazines and blogs. I even have some friends who have all but gotten rid of salt in their homes. I, on the other hand, have done the opposite- I have it stockpiled but not for the reasons you may think.

    I do limit the amount of salt intake. However, I do not look at salt as merely something to ingest! I look at salt as a tool that can be used to many varying degrees around the house! Imagine my friend's surprise when they opened my pantry and noticed the numerous containers of salt. It did give me a chance to show them exactly what it is that salt can do and from what I hear you can now find salt in their homes as well.

    So to spread the knowledge I have complied a list of things you can use salt for on the next page. 

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