The FLIROne Camera is a Must Have for any Prepper!

  • The utilization of an infrared camera is rare – it is like a drill press – you only need it exactly at the moment you need it.

    This affordable option, however, will allow you to capture infrared images via your Smartphone, exactly at that time you need to do so.

    This camera attaches directly to your smartphone (iOS or Android), turning it into a fully capable live-view infrared camera.

    The Pro model has an impressive range, capable of picking up temperatures as high as 752F and as low as -4 on a 160×120 pixel sensor. [Purchase Here]

    Users can hunt down hard to solve problems just by pointing their camera and looking.

    We’re talking about things like locating where exactly that pipe is leaking from, figuring out what is going on under the hood of your car

    The application of infrared technology is usually associated with law enforcement, national security or the military, but there are many other uses for it.

    Even as a hunting tool, to locate that buck hidden in a thicket (make sure doing so is legal!,) is one way the FLIR Infrared Smartphone Camera could come in handy!

    For more information on the FLIR Infrared Smartphone Camera check out Hi Consumptio

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