[Podcast] Benefits of a Greywater System During a Drought

  • Many of us have faced a time when we've had to limit our water use, particularly if you live in certain locations. What did you have to change in your daily life to adjust for the water shortage? Once the drought was over, you probably didn't take water for granted anymore. Droughts are both inconvenient and disconcerting on a regular basis and can be even more devastating for those of us who have an array of crops that supply our food and income. What can we do to become less reliant upon water?

    It turns out that greywater is an irrigation system designed to use less water from the main source. It'll still provide your garden with the amount of water needed to thrive. The next time a drought rolls around, you won't have to be stressed about whether your plants will make it through the tough time.

    Continue on to hear Laura Allen, a greywater expert, talk about how you can implement this water-saving and drought-resistant system!

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