Jumpstart Spring Cleaning By Tossing Out These 16 Items

  • Sure, items like clothing, accessories, cosmetics and outdated technology are the most obvious things to throw out or donate, but there are plenty of other items that you may forget to purge. Take a look at this list for some guidance:

    1. Expired coupons. I like to put coupons I might use in Evernote, with a “delete” tag and deadline reminder.

    2. Old magazines. If you're keeping them for your kids to use for collages, keep three, max.

    3. Expired pantry items. Check your local food bank for donation guidelines.

    4. Old/extra/excessive wrapping paper and supplies.

    5. Excessive plastic and paper bags. They'll multiply again, trust me.

    6. Broken things you've been meaning to repair.

    7. Old/extra/stained/torn linens.

    8. Chipped dishes and mugs. They're fung shui energy stealers.

    9. DVDs you know you'll never watch again. You won't waste your time on them; don't waste space on them either.

    10. Duplicate kitchen tools. Keep only the ones you reach for when you have a choice.

    11. Take-out menus. They're all online.

    12. Extra boxes and empty storage containers.

    13. Refills for items you no longer use. Examples include regular light bulbs after you've switched to LEDs.

    14. Expired or compromised bike helmets. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that helmets should be replaced every five years.

    15. Expired medication. Use these guidelines for proper disposal.

    16. Books that don't move you or that you haven't used for reference in three or more years.

    Have you begun spring cleaning yet? What tips do you have to organize and clean out your home?

    Article Source: Apartment Therapy


