It Only Takes A Few Seconds to Pick This Lock

  • Locks are a great thing. They keep our belongings safe and secure, or at least that is what their manufacturers want you to think.  Truth be told if someone wants to get into your belongings and they have the know how there isn't much that can stop them.

    Heck, even a pair of bolt cutters seems to do the trick on most locks but let's face it most people don't want to lug those things around.

    Now, before you get all up in arms and say “well whats the point of locking anything up then we should just do away with locks.” keep in mind that a lock is still a great deterrent and MOST people would rather walk away than deal with the process of trying to pick a lock.

    All that being said picking a lock is still a good thing to add to your skill set because you never know when it will come in handy. So what we have done is compiled for you on the next page some information that everyone should know about this.

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    One Comment;

    1. Hadley Kleeb said:

      there you go again teaching people to steal. You should be ashamed


