How To Make Homemade Insect Repellent

  • There is nothing worse on a nice spring or summer day than to be bombarded by insects. In my neighborhood alone there are at least three types of mosquitoes and a dozen horse, deer, and black fly species, plus “no-see-ums” and green-head flies that run in sequence, starting in late April and lasting until the first heavy frost.

    While I love and look forward to the spring- I seriously hate these annoying little creatures.

    There is nothing worse than trying to fish, hunt, or just spend the day by the lake without any form of insect repellent. If you do, then by nightfall you will be covered in bites that will make you miserable.

    There are many chemical containing products that can soothe the itching or stinging from a bug bite, but when you are putting things on your body that seep into your skin generally, when possible, going natural is a better option.

    This is why we found this homemade bug repellent. It works just as good as the others ones and it is a heck of a lot cheaper to make yourself rather than buy it at the store.

    So sit back and relax and let's look at how to make this homemade insect repellent that will protect you and your loved ones. 

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