These Are the Absolute Worst Places to Be When Disaster Strikes!

  • Many City Dwellers May Want to Consider Moving!

    For many people, living in the big city is something they couldn't imagine not doing. That's where the jobs are, as well as access to an abundance of stores, medical facilities and other necessities. They may even feel it's a matter of safety, as there are more hospitals and doctors in metropolitan areas, as well as more police, fire departments and other public safety agencies. However, if a catastrophe occurs, the big city may be the last place you want to be.

    As website notes, many metropolitan areas already have high crime rates, as well as other issues that will likely be exacerbated by a disaster. In fact, your best bet when the unthinkable happens may be to be well away from densely populated areas, and instead set up camp in quieter, more rural areas where you can better protect yourself from the riots and unrest that may occur.

    To learn which areas you may want to stay away from when things turn ugly, please continue to Page (2) for the full story.

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