Here Are The Survival Crops To Add to That Garden

  • If you already have a garden, you most likely have a certain variety of seeds you plant each season. It’s time to switch it up! Use your garden to its full potential by transforming it (or at least part of it) into a sustainable food source that provides the essential nutrients. Your crops will not only be healthier because they won’t be covered in pesticides, but they’ll also be close by in case you cannot access the grocery store.

    1. amaranth – high in carbs, a complete protein, high yielding, easy to harvest.

    2. beans – good source of protein, easy to grow, continuous crop over several weeks, easy to dry and store.

    3. buckwheat – high in carbs, a complete protein, easy to grow, easy to harvest.

    4. chickpeas – high in protein, good hot weather crop, easy to grow, harvest, dry and store.

    5. chufa – most productive source of dietary fat, some protein and carbs, a top crop for total calories produced per square meter, tolerates heavy rains and standing water.

    6. corn – easy to grow and harvest, good source of carbs and decent source of protein, can be dried and stored.

    7. lentils – good protein source, can be sprouted to improve amino acid profile, easy to grow and store.

    8. peanut – easy to grow from raw peanuts in the shell, be sure to dry thoroughly before storage, source of dietary fat.

    9. potato – top crop for carbs produced per square meter of land, decent source of protein, stores well.

    10. quinoa ** – high in carbs, a complete protein, high yielding, easy to harvest.

    ** Rinse quinoa in running water to remove saponin coating.

    11. rutabagas – productive root crop that keeps well in storage, hardy crop that tolerates cool weather.

    12. sweet potatoes – good source of carbs, some protein, and beta-carotene, leaves are edible.

    Have you grown any of these survival crops? Are there any we should add to the list?

    Article Source: Prep-Blog


