Here Are 8 Healthy Reasons To Eat & Grow More Tomatoes

  • What can you do if you don't love the taste and texture of tomatoes? If you prefer not to eat them raw, then cook them and vice versa. Because of their versatility, it's easy to do. One downside: Try to purchase organic tomatoes since according to the Environmental Work Group, they are one of the most likely items to be sprayed with chemicals if non-organic.

    1. Heart and blood health – Tomatoes are rich in potassium, which helps maintain your body’s nervous system and which is associated with a reduced risk of stroke. They’re also rich in iron, which is important for healthy blood.

    The folic acid in tomatoes helps lower your risk of heart disease.

    The lycopene in tomatoes also offers protection against cardiovascular diseases.

    Consuming a tomato daily also reduces your risk of developing hypertension.

    2. Vision – The rich content of Vitamin A in tomatoes contributes to eye health. As a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin A helps prevent night blindness and macular degeneration.

    The lycopene, lutein and beta-carotene help protect from developing cataracts.

    3. Digestion — Tomatoes are loaded with fiber and water, both of which can help you have regular bowel movements. Eating tomatoes works to remove toxins from the body.

    4. Diabetes — A Journal of the American Medical Association study found that people who consumed tomatoes on a daily basis had a reduced risk of the oxidative stress associated with Type 2 diabetes.

    5. Skin – Vitamin C consumption is associated with protection from exposure to potential damage from sunlight, pollution and smoke. Your skin, hair and nails are all reliant on vitamin C to remain strong and healthy.

    6. Urinary system – Tomatoes can help prevent urinary tract infections. The regular consumption of tomatoes also can help maintain a healthy gallbladder.

    7. Cancer – A single tomato can provide you with 40 percent of your daily Vitamin C requirement. As a natural antioxidant, Vitamin C may help protect against certain forms of cancer. In addition, the lycopene in tomatoes may help prevent prostate cancer, stomach cancer, cervical cancer and pharynx and esophageal cancers.

    The high presence of vitamin A in tomatoes can offer some protection against lung cancer.

    8. Bone health — Tomatoes contain calcium and Vitamin K, both of which contribute to strong bones and bone tissue.

    Here are a few ideas to get you started:

    • Make a Caprese salad with fresh tomato slices.
    • Spread smashed tomatoes on sandwiches instead of butter or mayo.
    • Scramble chopped tomatoes into eggs or use them to top an omelet.
    • Roast tomatoes in the oven.
    • Make your own fresh tomato sauce.
    • Stir-fry tomatoes on the stove.
    • Add sliced tomatoes to a grilled cheese sandwich.
    • Add fresh tomatoes to your next smoothie instead of water.

    Do you grow your own tomatoes? What is your favorite way to eat them?

    Article Source: Off The Grid News


