He Built a Tiny Home for a Family of 5 For Only 5000 Dollars. See How He Did It

  • If you're a minimalist, then this might be your dream house. It gives you the option for modern amenities like a TV, internet and other technology without wasted space. You can lower the home's cost even more (and help the environment!) by repurposing a lot of the materials. Each and every part of the home is functional. You'll not only save money building the home, but you'll save money in the long run since its low maintenance.

    With the flat roof, one has to wonder as well if you would be able to put a grass roof on top and do even more to help increase your sustainability and help the environment while doing so. The options for this home seem to be endless and as the tiny house craze takes off it's another one that we can add to the list of must haves!

    What do you think of this $5,000 home? Let us know if you would want to live in a home like this!

    Article and Photo Source: Off The Grid News


    1. Marc Carlsen said:

      Dumb. It looks cool till you live in it for an extended period of time and bump into things all the time. I lived in a townhouse once that was actually pretty spacious except for the kitchen and i can tell you that the kitchen being so small by itself was driving us insane.

    2. Michael Bandeko said:

      This is no great feat. I built my original cabin and moved in for $800. It all depends on much work you are willing to do yourself and how much in recycled materials you want to use.


