Harvest Rainwater Using These Unique Methods

  • In today’s society, we are fortunate enough to benefit from technological advancements like electricity and running water that make our lives easier and more efficient. We can head into our kitchen and do something as simple as turn on the faucet to fill a glass with water without any worry about whether the water will be available or not. We don’t take the time to consider what life would be like without being able to that.

    If you live on a homestead or are experiencing a drought, then you know what it’s like to have to limit your water use. Taking short showers, limiting your dish washing or decreasing the frequency of doing your laundry are just a few steps you’d have to take. Instead, you can begin collecting rainwater to lessen the impact you have on the environment and lower your monthly water bills.

    Continue on to see 6 cool ways to collect rainwater!

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