Generate Endless Hot Water Without Electricity Or Solar Power

  • Here are some of the supplies that you will need before beginning this project.

    Things to get: 

    Copper Tubing
    Stove Pipe
    Water heater
    And of course, water and something to burn.

    Now, this is where we will learn what to do with all of these supplies.  The best part of this project is that you don't need any solar power or electricity.  Just a basic knowledge of thermo-siphoning which we go over in the video.

    Most of these items that are listed above are also things that you can salvage so spending money is not always necessary however if you choose to go that route it will take some time to gather them all.

    Personally, I am one who would rather spend the time because not only do I find it a challenge I often like to think that in the event of a survival or SHTF situation running out to the store to find these items is not going to be an option.

    Regardless of which method you choose, pay attention, because in the event that you too will need to make this one day as more than just a project, but as a part of survival!



    Source: engineer775 Practical Preppers


    1. Eric Young said:

      See that video along time ago. Good Idea when living off the grid.


