Forget Rocket Man, This Rocket Mass Heater is What Everyone Should Pay Attention To

  • Maybe it's because it's still chilly outside or maybe it's because we spend so much money trying to heat our home efficiently but we cannot help but focus our attention to heaters.

    I  first became aware of a  rocket mass heater while watching a movie where people had to survive in one of the toughest regions of the world. The weather is harsh and unforgiving so staying warm is a must for survival.

    These smokeless heaters and stoves take eighty percent less wood to keep a house warm! Frankly, upon seeing it, I wanted to run out to my nearest Lowes and see if I could find one.

    But what I did instead is compile some information for you on the next page. It includes a video from ABC acres, a Permaculture Farmstead in Hamilton, MT who filmed their demonstration of a prototype of theirs out of their own workshop.

    I really hope that they mass market this soon because I will be the first in line!

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