89 Year Old Veteran Invents Wind Turbine That Does NOT Endanger Wildlife

  • It's a Win-Win Situation for Everyone!

    Wind power has steadily been increasing in popularity in recent years, mainly because it's a more environmentally friendly method of generating than many of the traditional methods and sources we've relied on for decades or even centuries. However, there is one major drawback to wind power, which is generated using turbines. Namely, that these turbines pose a serious threat to birds, who can hit the moving propellers and die. In fact, for many people, even those concerned about the environment, this is enough of a drawback for them to not want to use wind power.

    Well, there may be good news for everyone on this front, because an 89-year-old veteran named Raymond Green, who has reportedly made a wind turbine that has no exterior moving parts, meaning there are no blades for birds to get hit by or caught up in. Green is developing his turbines through his company Catching Wind Power, and has patents not only in the U.S. but also in China, New Zealand, Australia and 27 countries in Europe. This could be the next big thing!

    To learn more about this revolutionary method for generating wind power, please continue to Page (2) for the full story.

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    1. Andrew Hardy said:

      Its a reversed jet engine model south an air scoop, I want to see how it does with extreme weather. Oh, and if you’ve ever seen Big Hero 6, similar models are mounted on blimps and tethered to the buildings they power…

    2. Ed davis said:

      I wish I had one. We have plenty of wind, and lots of birds. My problem I am poor. So they would have to be very inexpensive

    3. Shannon Lane said:

      Never miss the fact the guy is 90! Never ever give up on an idea! Ever!!!!

    4. Robert J. Henn lll said:

      Happy to put two up on my house right now just to test them out.

    5. Sharon Woomer said:

      what a wonderful man you are…..inventing something that wont hurt birds and still emprove life for humans…i sure hope this catches on..

    6. Sergio B Damasceno said:

      I think it is really great that this man invented something so cool. But, what I’m most intrigued about is: why is it important to readers that he is 89 years old. Does his age mean that the accomplishment is greater than if he was 29, or 59. I see this age bias all the time and have been wondering about it. If anyone knows please shate with me.

    7. Thomas Cook said:

      So how does this turbine turn to face into the wind in order to collect it

    8. Karen Davis said:

      Doesn’t give any specifics, how much power does it make? Does it turn to face wind?

    9. Scott Kelley said:

      But wind turbines don’t endanger wildlife

      It might chop a couple birds, but they’ll get over it

    10. Carl D Pedersen said:

      I’ve met a 90plus y/o that designed and built a hand pump that’s really easy to use and pumps on the up and down stroke and probably puts out 10 gpm at an easy pace.

    11. Kirk Willis said:

      He squashed a chipmunk when he put it up!! But the the eco system is is good!!

    12. Bruce Somes said:

      Like the idea but weight and strength are an issue,if we are concerned about the birds we would ban the airplane and automobiles they kill million birds a day.

    13. James Duncan said:

      It sounds great, but unless some big multinational corporation with connections to the banking cartel can make millions from it, Like those huge 3 bladed monstrosities, it’s going nowhere.

    14. Jim Mitchell said:

      Big wind turbines kill 1000’s of Eagles every year and do little to help the environment.

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