8 Unusual Uses For Onions That Everyone Can Use Around The House!

  • Many of us have put onions on our burgers or in soups and stews for as long as we can remember. They just taste so good. However,  we may not be using onions for all the things they are good for. When you find out all the uses that an onion actually has, you will be shocked!

    Some Unusual Uses For Onions Include:

    1. Natural pesticide.
    Puree four onions, two garlic gloves, two tablespoons of cayenne pepper, and one quart of water in your blender. Set mixture aside.  Dilute two tablespoons of soap flakes in two gallons of water. Add the blender mixture, stir well. Fill a clean sprayer bottle with liquid to keep insects and other pests away.
    2. Soothe bites, stings and minor burns.

    Place a freshly cut onion slice on the affected area of your skin to soothe the pain and swelling.
    3. Ease a sore throat.

    Boil one cup of water with the peels of half a medium onion. Remove onion and sip.

    4. Fight dizziness and fainting.

    You can use onions in place of smelling salts. Place a piece of freshly cut onion under the nose of someone who is feeling faint, and it will decrease the feeling of light headedness.
    5. Remove a splinter.

    Try taping a piece of raw onion to the area for about an hour.  The splinter should be easier to remove.
    6. Polish metal

    Mix crushed onion with water.  Dab  mixture on  metal surface with a soft cloth. Rub until clean.
    7. Remove rust from knives.

    Plunge  rusty blade into an onion several times, wipe dry for a rust-free surface.
    8. Get rid of paint smell.

    Try placing a few slices of onion in a dish, along with a small amount of water. The onion will absorb the paint smell within an hour or two.

    Wow! All these ways an onion can be used are incredible. You can use it to keep the bugs out of your garden, to get rid of a splinter, or even to help stop someone from feeling faint. You can also use it to make mental shiny and to get rid of the rust from your knives. These life hacks with onions may make you always want to keep onions in the house!

    To learn more unusual uses for onions, you can visit:

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