5 Things That Can Be Used as Toilet Paper When in The Wild

  • For the sake of argument, there are many things out in the wild that can be used. Large leaves, various plants etc. But what do those look like? Do we even know what we are looking for?

    Let's start with the obvious:

    1. Paper – We’ll get the most obvious one out of the way first. If you don’t have any toilet paper, just use another kind of paper. Paper towels, newspapers, phone books, notebook paper, printer paper, envelopes, etc. Look around the house and see what you can find. (By the way, most magazines don’t work very well because of the gloss coating.) Some people have suggested using books, but I have too much respect for books to recommend that. Maybe as a last resort, but first look for other options.

    Now this next one may sound strange but I guarantee you it has been used for centuries so keep reading! 

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    1. Shannon Keith Freeman said:

      And poison oak grows like a vine up tree’s and there leaves blend in with the tree leaves. I true embarrassing lesson I learned once having to go out in the woods.


