Treat Your Pain Like Your Ancestors Did…With These 3 Pain-Relieving Herbs!

  • Here are three herbs known to cure pain not only from headaches, but also from a wide range of other conditions as well. We're stocking our cabinets with all of these!

    1. Willow
    The bark from willow trees has a long history of pain relief, and not just for headaches. Extracts from white willow bark was used by the pioneers in the 1800s, but the Native people of America used it well before that. Willow bark contains a compound, salicin, which your body will convert into salicylic acid, known to you and I as aspirin.
    2. Ginger
    Yep, that same spice you probably have in your kitchen cabinet is well-known for stopping headaches (and nausea, too). Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory, so it works on several different levels.
    It can be purchased in capsule form, but the quickest way to relieve headaches — and the one our ancestors used — was to put a half dozen thin slices of fresh ginger root in two cups of water and boil it as a tea. Simmer for 20 to 30 minutes and drink after it has cooled a bit.
    3. Feverfew
    This ancient herb, best known for reducing fevers, is a terrific choice for migraines as it not only reduces pain but is known to help alleviate nausea and sensitivity to light. The leaves and flowers contain a compound that cause the blood vessels to dilate.

    Have you ever tried natural remedies such as herbs to alleviate your headache pain? How well did it work? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section below!

    Article Source: Off the Grid News



