40 Amazing Uses For Tea Tree Oil & Why Everyone Should Have Some


    1. Abrasions & Minor Cuts: After cleaning the area well, apply a few drops of the oil directly. If a bandage is needed, allow a few drops of the oil to penetrate a cotton ball, then lay it face down on the wound with a bandage on top.

    2. Allergies: Use topically by massaging into the chest, abdomen or the reflex points of the feet.

    3. Arthritis: To help reduce pain associated with the swelling of arthritis, add 20 drops of tea tree oil to 2 ounces of grapeseed or other carrier oil. Massage into affected areas 2-3 times a day.

    4. Asthma: Add a few drops of oil to a pan of water and heat on stove. When cool, drape a towel over head and breathe in for a few minutes.

    5. Athletes Foot: Clean feet thoroughly, especially between toes. Add oil directly to feet every two weeks, dusting with corn starch after. Or, add 10 drops oil to 1 tbsp of grapeseed or other carrier oil and massage on feet and between toes daily.

    6. Bacterial Infections: Use topically, either massaging into the reflex points of the feet, adding several drops to a bath or cautiously applying over an infected site.

    7. Blisters: Wash area carefully, then apply as for cuts and wounds.

    8. Bronchial Congestion: Use as directed for Asthma. Add 5 – 10 drops to 1 ounce of carrier oil, and massage into chest and throat 2 – 3 times daily.

    9. Bruises: After icing, apply oil as directed for Arthritis.

    10. Bunions: Massage area with 5 drops oil to 1 tbsp. of carrier oil.

    11. Burns: Run icy cold water on area. After a few minutes, add a mix of 5 drops oil with 1 tsp. raw honey. Repeat 3 – 5 times daily.

    12. Calluses & Corns: Massage area with 5 drops oil to 1 tbsp. of carrier oil. Repeat 2 times daily. Once the corn or calluses have become soft use tweezers to remove, and apply a few drops of tea tree oil and cover with bandage.

    13. Canker Sores: Apply a drop or two of oil directly to infected area with a cotton swab, 2 times daily. Also, rinse as directed for bad breath.

    14. Chapped Lips: Add 1 or 2 drops of oil to lip balm. Apply to lips as necessary.

    15. Chigger Bites: Apply a drop of oil directly to bites.

    16. Earache and Infection: Add 2 – 3 drops of oil to 2 tbsp warm olive oil. With a dropper, drop a small amount into aching ear, tilting head to one side for a moment. Use a cotton swab to absorb oil. Repeat 2 – 3 times daily.

    17. Flea Bites: Apply a drop of oil directly to bites.

    18. Head Lice: Add 20 drops of oil to 2 tbsp shampoo. Massage into scalp and hair, leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse. Repeat 3 – 4 times daily, until eggs are gone.

    19. Hives: Add 10 drops of oil to 4 tbsp of witch hazel. Apply with cotton ball. Or, mix with coconut oil (which is naturally healing and soothing itself) and gently apply to the infected areas.
    Infected Wounds: Adding the oil to steaming water, hold the infected area over the steam. Or dilute 1 drop of tea tree with 1 cup of water and rinse the infected area 1-2 times a day, as needed.
    Inflammation: Massage over the inflamed areas, gently and always toward the heart, or diffuse and inhale the tea tree oil directly or indirectly.

    20. Ingrown Hairs: Add 1 – 2 drops of oil directly to area. Repeat every 2 hours or until signs of infection disappear.

    21. Insect Repellant: Add 15 drops to a quart of water and use as an effective insect repellent.
    Jock Itch: Apply 10 – 15 drops of oil to 2 tbsp of carrier oil. Apply 2 times daily. Dust with corn starch, to reduce chapping.

    22. Mildew and Mold Remover: Spray an all-purpose cleaner made with 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil and 2 cups of water on growing mold and mildew. Shake well before using and do not rinse.

    23. Mosquito Bites: Apply a drop of oil directly to bites.

    24. Muscle Aches and Pains: Add 10-15 drops of oil to half cup Epsom salts, and dissolve in bath. Add 10 drops of oil to 2 tbsp of carrier oil. Massage well.

    25. Pest Control: Household ants and other pests dislike Tea Tree oil, so a few drops put at the point of entry will deter them. Wipe cupboards out with an oil and water solution to keep ants away.

    26. Rashes: Mix with coconut oil and massage over the affected areas.

    27. Ringworm: Apply a drop or two of oil undiluted, repeat 2 times daily. Can also mix 1 drop of tea tree oil with 1 drop of lavender oil for added benefit.

    28. Scabies: Apply 1 – 2 drops of oil directly to area in the morning and at night.

    29. Seborrhea: For skin: Add 10 drops oil to 1 tbsp of carrier oil and massage into affected areas. Repeat 2-3 times daily. For scalp: Add 10 drops of oil to 2 tbsp shampoo. Massage into scalp and hair, leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse. Repeat 3 – 4 times daily. Bath: Add 10-15 drops of oil to bath.

    30. Shingles: Add 10-15 drops of oil to half cup Epsom salts, and dissolve in bath. Add 10 drops of oil to 2 tbsp of grapeseed oil or coconut oil and massage well.

    31. Shock: Massage tea tree oil into the soles of the feet as needed.

    32. Sore muscles: Fill your bathtub with warm water. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to the water to relax tight muscles.

    33. Sore Throat: Add 2 drops of oil to 1 cup of warm water with pinch of sea salt, gargle 2-3 times a day. Do not swallow!

    34. Staph Infection: Best used topically, rubbed into the soles of the feet to increase the immune response and fight infection.

    35. Stye: Add 5 drops oil to a pan of steaming water. Drape towel overhead and steam 5 minutes. Apply warm compresses directly to stye.

    36. Sunburn: Mix 1 TB coconut oil with 1 drop of tea tree and 1 drop of lavender and gently apply to sunburned areas.

    37. Tattoos: Apply after tattoos to avoid infection. Use undiluted, diluted with coconut oil or as a spray with purified water.

    38. Ticks: Apply a drop or two directly to the tick and the surrounding area.

    39. Toothbrush Cleaner: Apply oil directly to toothbrush 1-2 times a week to kill bacteria.

    40. Viral Infections: Diffuse tea tree oil throughout the home or inhale from steaming water.

    As you can see, the uses for essential oils is significant.

    Because of the many ways you can use them, they are a “must have” for any first aid kit, but absolutely a priority item for a survival first aid kit.

    To see additional uses for theses amazing oils, visit Back Door Survival.


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