3 Insects That Make Great Survival Food

  • We Never Would Have Thought of This…But It's All the Rage!

    When you think of gourmet cuisine, insects may not rank very high on your list of delicious and sought-after delicacies. After all, for most of us, insects are nothing but a nuisance and something that we typically put out poison for in the hopes of killing them…if we're not squashing them underneath our shoe! However, in many parts of the world insects are valued for both their taste and their nutritional value, and appear regularly on several restaurant menus.

    While this may seem bizarre — and maybe even a little gross — to those us here in the West, many people here are jumping on the insect cuisine bandwagon and incorporating these little critters into their own diets. The United Nations even released a report detailing the benefits of raising insects for food. Plus, knowing what insects you can eat might just save your life in a survival situation! Still, it can be difficult for many of us to wrap our heads around that idea, which is why we've chosen three insects you might want to try if you're considering trying this culinary trend for yourself.

    For our top three edible insects, please continue to Page (2) for the full list.

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    1. Thomas Carter said:

      IV eaten lots of crickets,grasshoppers and mill worms ,they aren’t bad but I wont eat mc Donald’s .

    2. Tom Fidas said:

      It’s all psychological…..if you work on that then you can eat anything. My teacher ate insects as a delicacy. Fried ants were often used as topping on his rice.

    3. Anonymous said:

      Even as a child I knew that if I was starving, I would start digging. Most things are edible.

    4. Kyle Gunn said:

      Awww yeeah, its that stir fry herbal insect thats killer.

    5. Tonya Johnson said:

      This is normal for people!E in other countries, and they have been doing it for hundreds of years. And they are still healthier than most Americans……lol

    6. RL Johnson said:

      if you are hungry enough and i mean truly starving you will eat anything or give up and die.. thats just the how it is.

    7. Jan Louise said:

      I would become a vegetarian before I are one of those…..barf! I literally would barf, lol!


