3 Forgotten or Unique Ways To Do Laundry Without Power

  • Any of these methods would also work if you’re facing a SHTF event and don’t have power. They require varying degrees of manual labor, but you can view it as a good way to work out!

    Laundry Alternative Wonderwash

    This is the one I’m using. I can wash a few shirts or my week’s worth of socks and undergarments in about 15 minutes or so. Add detergent, clothes, and hot or cold water as you wish, close it up, crank it for about two minutes, drain, add water again to rinse, drain off, and you have clean clothes! You’ll need to let them drip dry, wring them by hand, run them through a wringer dryer or a spin dryer, because these come out soaking wet. However, if I wash an outfit in the evening and hang it up to dry inside near a heat source, it is ready to go when I leave home in the morning.

    Breathing Mobile Washer

    Muscle power and clever design provide the deep-cleaning agitation needed to clean clothes. However, you can only do small loads with this, but considering you can wash a couple items in just a minute or two, it is hard to argue against it. This is ideal if you are short on space. If you have kids, a couple of these Breathing Mobile Washers and buckets could really cut down on the laundry workload and teach personal responsibility.


    Basically, it’s a ribbed piece of metal or glass set in a frame; you place the washboard in a container of soapy water and rub your clothing up and down to work out dirt and stains and agitate the fabric. These are ideal for delicates and hand-wash items, or where space for storing washing supplies is at a premium. I think they may be superior for really stubborn stains, as well.

    Final Thoughts

    You use less water, are free of being tied to a source of power generation, get a bit of a workout, and wind up with clothes as clean or cleaner than a traditional wash, without the wear and tear an electric machine can apply.

    Have you tried using any of these laundry methods?

    Article Source: Off The Grid News


