11 Companies That Pay a Wage People Can Actually Survive On

  • 1. Target

    As the nation’s second-largest retailer they raised their wages to an average of $9.24 for their sales team members, and employees testimonials on Glassdoor mention a great work-life balance as another positive factor.

    2. Starbucks

    I can personally attest to this one. The world’s most well-known coffee brand also offers its workers some pretty sweet perks. Apart from paying baristas an average of $9.48 per hour, Starbucks has everything from 401(k)-matching to bonuses to health care, and even part-time employees are eligible for benefits. They also offer FREE college education reimbursement through Arizona State University for its employees! Seriously how can you beat that!

    3. Gap

    In 2014, Gap raised its minimum wage to $9 per hour. CEO Glenn Murphy said this of the increase

    “Would better the lives of Gap workers while delivering the company ‘a return many times over’ through higher productivity and morale.”

    Gap currently pays an average of $9.53 per hour.

    4. Ben & Jerry's

    Word on the street is that the company pays its ice cream scoopers an average of $9.93 per hour. Between that and the fact that it's Ben & Jerry's those are some pretty fantastic reasons to look into it.

    5. Ikea

    As if you needed another reason to shop at Ikea. The company offers a whopping  $11.08 per hour on average to its sales associates. Not to mention each Ikea store reflects the cost of living in that particular area when considering each starting wage.

    For even more companies who are amazing at taking care of its employees keep on reading…

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    1. Chris Martin said:

      My company provides a living wage. Of course it requires an actual skill-based position. Crazy that people will pay someone enough money if they have an applicable skill. It’s almost as if minimum wage jobs aren’t meant to be something you base your entire existence on.

    2. Chris Martin said:

      I mean, if I can literally hire anyone else to do your job, you don’t deserve to make more money. Anyone who has managed a retail store can tell these people, there’s a stack/filing cabinet of applications for your position who will be happy to have that minimum wage job. If your job can be done by a customer and a touch screen, chances are your job isn’t important enough for you to make a “living” wage.

      Not to mention, I’ve literally never had a minimum wage job where my exit pay was was still minimum wage. Hell, at GameStop I was promoted twice within a year and a half. If you’re not AT LEAST getting annual raises at your minimum wage job, you’re doing something wrong.

    3. theresa rosen said:

      The oligarchs have had a war against the middle class since the 70s. They have been stealing our pensions, homes, good paying jobs, health care. These oligarchs – mulitnationals/conglomerates – corporate and financial – have been sending their trillions in profits to off shore tax havens to avoid paying tax. Some even got tax refunds!!! In the meantime, they are using our natural resources, our roads, utilities, fire/police departments, water, military – and sending us to the wars while they and their families stay home and get the good education, the great jobs, including government. WE ARE NOT BROKE. THE SUPER RICH HAVE BEEN STEALING FROM US, NOT THE POOR. If you keep buying into the GOP, Libertarian rhetoric, propaganda, your children will be slaves, living in 3rd world conditions. Once upon a time we had jobs for adults by which we could support our families, buy a basic home and have it paid off before retirement, save up money for emergencies, give our kids a good education, have good health benefits; higher education did not put us into debt for the rest of our lives, if at all.
      The fast food places, retailers – these jobs were for high schoolers/college students to make some spending money. Educate yourselves: learn the truth. Here’s a list to start with: 86 LIES OF WALL STREET; THE BIG LIE; THE BIG SHORT (the book is much more informative than the dvd, but the dvd is a good start); WE’RE NOT BROKE; THE FAST FOOD NATION; INEQUALITY FOR ALL; WHERE TO INVADE NEXT; REQUIEM OF THE AMERICAN DREAM; THE PEOPLE’S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES; THE CASE AGAINST THE SUPREME COURT; THE HUMAN EXPERIMENT; CONSUMED. THE RETIREMENT HEIST; THE 8 MILLION DOLLAR PILL; COWSPIRACY (this author turned vegan, but he has facts about the climate and environment that is not coming out because all of the environmental people are beholding to donors. When I graduated from college in the 60s, people could get good jobs, weren’t indebted for life for college. GLOBALIZATION IS NOT ABOUT FAIR TRADE, SUPPLY & DEMAND – IT’S ABOUT PITTING BETTER OFF NATION WORKERS AGAINST THE POOREST, so that we will accept lower wages, give up our sovereignty, let them privatize everything to their profit and our demise and control, while the big CEOs and oligarch owners make trillions in profits but pay no taxes. Did you know that board rooms are filled with their fellow CEOs and they all pay each others back and give each other what they want. did you know that CEOs once, and may still be doing it, had investors who started investigating what was going on terrorized by having them watched, investigated, threatened? Did you know that we are the only industrialized country that doesn’t have health care for all? that let’s its CEOs and top management make 400% more than the average worker while the rest of the industrialized world CEOs only make 35-45% more? And why haven’t any of these parasitic, criminal oligarchs gone to jail for their crimes and illegal activities that caused the 2008 world wide financial collapse? Why didn’t Wells Fargo CEOs go to jail? How is Trump’s cabinet nominees getting in when they were the very people that caused the 2008 collapse? Do you think for one minute these parasites will care about the middle class on down? Think: Trump promised to bring jobs back: Is it going to be what Bush Jr did: let them come back and they only pay 5% if that on the trillions in profit they scuttled to tax havens around the world over the last 7 decades? the companies that did come back took the money and fired thousands upon thousands of employees, took the money and bought back their stocks, which gave the CEOs and top management and owners huge enormous skyrocketing values to their stock options. And now companies are talking about bringing in robots; we already have all our good jobs sent overseas, or they are in gated communities filled with foreigners brought in on special visas. If you can’t see that the oligarchs are obliterating America, you’re head is in the sand. Wake up.

    4. Rebekah Hetzel Hadley said:

      Minimum wage isn’t supposed to be a living wage. It’s a starting wage for inexperienced workers and their pay increases as their experience does. The higher minimum wage gets the higher the cost of living. This is economics 101. Ridiculous.

    5. Lisa Mccall said:

      It’s sad we have to demand higher wages, just so we can find three roommates to help rent a house. Everything is way out of balance here in MerIKa!

    6. James Vawter said:

      Every company pays a wage you can live on. If you don’t like the way you are getting paid then you need to move to a better job. Companies literally pay what you are worth


