Learn How To Make This Protective Tent & Homemade Stove Before the Cold Arrives

  • If we could, we would stretch summer out as long as possible. The extra Vitamin D and sunny days are a wilderness junkie's dream. While dehydration and heat exhaustion are potential roadblocks during the summer season, winter brings a whole other set of issues. The ability to navigate through the snow, ice and chilly temperatures requires a separate skillset.

    As summer turns to fall and fall turns into winter, survival in the wild is all about staying warm, being sheltered and avoiding the extreme elements. Even a short hike in the woods during the cold months can turn into a dangerous night lost in the woods without any shelter or skills to fight the season. Remain proactive by learning how to make your own winter tent and stove that can protect you from the chill and make sure you remain warm and fed.

    So, let's take a look at what it takes to pitch the ideal winter tent and construct your own survival stove!

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