What Seattle’s Tax on Firearms Could Mean For the Nation’s Future

  • There's a constant debate over the Second Amendment, but regardless of which side you fall on, we can all agree that we want to remain as safe as possible.

    Recently, Seattle adjusted the price of ammo and firearms by implementing a tax. No one enjoys being taxed more so as you can imagine, it caused quite a stir. For those who carry and purchase firearms, the tax was viewed as an infringement upon personal safety. The issue was even taken to the judicial level by filing a lawsuit.

    Since the availability of firearms is a national problem, it comes as no surprise that what has happened in Seattle could affect the rest of the country.

    Keep reading to learn what has happened with Seattle's tax on firearms and what precedent it sets for other cities and states!

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    1. Bob Lee said:

      Now, if Trump’s wall would just continue up the east coasts of California, Oregon and Washington and then Trump was to make a deal with Un to allow North Korea to use those states for target practice… The problem would be solved!!!

    2. Eric L Runion said:

      Oh no not our guns again how are we ever going to eat and pay our bills

    3. Sam Dugdale said:

      Nations future over lil Seattle’s choice to be unconstitutional on guns so their Starbuck, muslim lovin, hippies and degenerates can all sing kumbya in a pow wow circle and blow eachother. The court will$#%&!@*them up

    4. Jarrod Derby said:

      That saying was created by a free people who didn’t believe in tax and went war over a 2% tax

    5. Denver Dennis said:

      Just buy your supplies elsewhere. Deny the city of Seattle you tax revenue.

    6. Tom McClellan said:

      the seattle city council are a bunch of commie fags, there should be a bounty on these crooks and their tyrant fucking taxes!!

    7. Gary Harrigan said:

      The tax has proven to be a failure. Buyers just go outside Seattle to purchase guns and ammo. Taxpayers were told the tax would generate $500,000 additional a year. It has generated barely $100,000. Giant failure. Crime rate is also up significantly in Seattle.

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