Jurassic Park May Have Been Wrong About the T. Rex

  • Since the dinosaurs lived so long ago, it’s amazing that we know all that we do about them but it also leaves a big hole in what we do NOT know about them. As science and technology evolves and our ability to discover facts once hidden to us expands, we are learning some interesting stuff and well, it's blowing our minds!  

    One of the great things about the movie Jurassic Park was debating with your friends the “could it really happen one day” debate!  There are also the “Oh please that is impossible” debates and the ever present “Whats scarier a Velociraptor or T-Rex and 9 times out of 10 the T-Rex would make the list of scariest dinosaurs! Yet now that may change because science has gone ahead and broken our hearts once again. Stay up to date on your prehistoric facts by seeing how we learned that the T. Rex couldn’t do this one thing 

    Were you surprised to hear that the T. rex may not have been able to run?

    Video Source: CNN


    1. Michael Edward said:

      No$#%&!@*.. good thing we don’t base scientific research and fact off of “Science Fiction” movies

    2. Jr Bass said:

      Yeah right do you not see his massive legs? I wouldn’t be surprised if you said long necks couldn’t run but a t-rex I want whatever you are drinking

    3. Wilhelm Vo said:

      No the teeth are apex. To big and to pointed . I personally think they could run but couldn’t run long distances similar to alligators. This post is just click bait

    4. Donald Jackson said:

      I dont believe that. Not possible for something that big and those teath to just walk and find food. Lol that makes no sense

    5. Alex Penz said:

      Dinosaurs did not live millions of years ago… More like 10,000 years or less. The earth is not that old…


