7 Coffee Substitutes to Grow or Find in The Wild!

  • It happens to the best of us. We are at the mercy of caffeine and can't seem to start our day without a cup of coffee. Whether it's iced or hot, black or with plenty of milk and sugar, we all need that caffeine boost in the morning to get going. It might all be in our heads, but the coffee trade has us addicted.

    When you're trying to live a more self-sufficient and off-the-grid lifestyle, then you want to grow as much of your food as possible. Even though it's a morning necessity, we never really think about growing our own coffee. The coffee bean industry actually causes devastating environmental and human consequences so making efforts to harvest or forage for your own coffee substitute helpsĀ multiple parties, including yourself. It can be difficult to wean yourself off of typical coffee and you don't want to end up botching your caffeine supply so leave it to others to find useful coffee substitutes.

    Head over to the next page to view 7 coffee substitutes you can either grow yourself or find in the wild!

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