5 Everyday Pantry Items With Unique Uses

  • Now, some of you may know this already as I'm sure these life hacks have been around for generations. But for those of us who were left in the dark here are some everyday pantry items that you can use around the house.

    • Polish and Clean Leather with Milk

    Okay, so technically this isn't a pantry item, but more than likely you have it on hand in your kitchen, right? If you've found yourself dealing with a stain on your favorite leather jacket, bag or furniture, a little milk can go a long way according to eHow. Simply dip a cleaning rag in milk until it's damp and dab the affected area, then rub in circular motions. Wipe off the milk with water when you're finished.

    • Take On Hard-to-Clean Glassware with Rice

    If you've ever tried to clean out a narrow vase or glass, you know how much of a challenge it can be. But a little uncooked rice can actually go a long way, especially when combined with water, vinegar and dish soap—swirl it around in the glassware you need to clean, and according to Real Simple, it'll get the hard to reach spots for you.

    • Get Out Grass Stains with Sugar

    You bake with it, you put it in your coffee, and you… can use it to do your laundry? It may seem surprising, but sugar can help cut grass stains. According to a video from HouseholdHacker (via LifeHacker) sugar contains enzymes that can break down the chlorophyll in grass stains. Make a paste out of sugar and water and let it sit on the stain for 30 minutes before washing.

    • Remove Rust Spots with Tea

    If rust is taking over, there's an easy way to take it on: just brew some black tea. Soaking rusty items (like gardening tools in this example from WikiHow) in black tea for a few hours will loosen up any rust, so you can wipe them clean much easier—just make sure everything is totally dry before you put it away.

    • Clean Cast Iron Pans with Salt

    If you've ever wondered how to clean a cast iron pan without ruining the seasoning, you're in luck—all you need is some coarse salt, which is probably in one of your cabinets right now, and a paper towel.

    • Clean Copper with Ketchup

    If you've got brass or copper details or items in your home (even jewelry) you can buff away tarnish and get them shiny and good as new with the help of some ketchup. For smaller items, you can cover them in ketchup in a dish, and for larger items, use a toothbrush to apply, then rinse.

    Do you have any cleaning hacks that are completed with out of the box household products? If so let us know in the comments below.

    Do you have any life hack solutions for cleaning things around the house? If so let us know in the comments below.

    Source: ApartmentTherapy



