2 Options For EMP Prepardness

  • Before you can understand the solution to anything you must first understand the problem. An EMP attack, as I'm sure most of you already know is an Electrical Magnetic Pulse attack that will wipe out all of our power grids. This would render anything that uses electricity completely useless.

    I could go into how these pulses are created but that is irrelevant.'

    So should an EMP weapon be used against us what exactly would be at risk? Well let's take a look at that:

    • Power plants
    • Laptops
    • IPad
    • iPod
    • Smart Phones
    • Cell Phone Towers
    • Telephones
    • Desktop Computers
    • Mainframe Computers
    • Routers
    • Automobile Engine Management Computers
    • Jet Aircraft Systems
    • Air Traffic Control Systems
    • Banking Systems
    • Hospital Diagnostic Machines
    • Televisions
    • Internet Servers
    • Refrigerators
    • Thermostats
    • Plus Anything Else With A Micro-Chip

    These are just some of the items that would no longer work. So what exactly can we do to protect ourselves and our devices? Well, like I said before there are two options:

    • EMP Diaster Prep Option 1 – Plan for an Amish survival skills future. Plan to revert to an 1860 agrarian society with the sort of survival skills our great-great-grandparents knew. But, our society has forgotten.
    • EMP Diaster Prep Option 2 – Store a complete, disassembled home electrical power generation system inside very large Faraday Cages. Solar and the wind are your best bet—since you won’t be able to get gasoline or natural gas. Everything electrical associated with these systems should be boxed in Faraday Cages

    So which one is your best option? Well, that is really up to you and your current situation. It is my personal believe that it would be wise to brush up on your survival skills. While faraday cages are great they can cost more than the average DIY build that you are used to.

    If you do choose to build a Faraday cage for your electronics here is a short video to show you how to create one at a low cost.




    1. Bob Cento said:

      ha ha- When one has a pacemaker there are no two options


