How To Make Solar Pool Heaters For Cheap

  • As we look to the last few weeks of summer we find that we are hitting that time of year when we have to start thinking about closing up our pools. While some may have a ton of money to go out and purchase expensive pool heaters we like to look at projects from a DIY perspective! We also like to think “green” in terms of what is safest for the environment.

    This brings us to our next project: DIY Solar Pool Heater

    This project is super simple and takes little to no time to make and works wonderfully. The first thing you will want to do is gather your materials together. Some of these you may have laying around the house and the rest you can find at any Lowes or Home Depot. Here is what you will need:

    • 4 two foot long pieces of one inch pvc
    • 4 90 degree pvc elbows
    • pvc glue
    • 6 mil Black Plastic Tarp
    • Foam pipe insulation
    • Duct Tape
    • Wire Ties

    Now that we have all of that. Let's take a look at what we need to do in order to put it all together. Don't worry this won't take long. We have compiled everything you need to know as well as a short informative video on the next page.

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