Here’s Your Guide To Growing Carrots On Your Property

  • Our gardens are full of colors. It’s one of the most rewarding aspects of your hard work and patience. It’s a bonus when you can use what you grow (whether it’s vegetables, flowers or otherwise) in your home on a daily basis. Not only does it save you money, but it saves you an inconvenient trip to the grocery store for produce covered in pesticides. As a result, we think it’s time you add a new seed to your garden: carrots.

    Carrots aren’t widely grown in gardens as much as you might think. However, they’re a fairly easy vegetable to plant and just as with any other homegrown vegetable, they truly taste better when they’re planted with your love and attention. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to add some more beta-carotene, fiber and Vitamin K to your diet. They can always be used as an excuse to make carrot cake!

    Let’s take a look at the guide to successfully planting carrots as well as commonly asked questions about their growth!

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